Sexuality Explained: a Guide for Parents and Children


This stand-alone book works well as a companion to the Alive to the World series.

Sexuality Explained uses stories to bring intimacy and clarity to this subject. Parents are encouraged to read ahead so that they can make the biology their own and be ready to answer their child’s questions. 

The conversational style gives a friendly feel to the subject, with separate chapters for boys and girls. The hand-drawn diagrams are scientifically accurate and are accompanied by Textboxes, Glossaries and Points to Remember. These consolidate the text and make it memorable.

At the end of the book, the biological diagrams are printed on their own. They can be cut out and used by parents to illustrate their private lessons or by children to revise what they have learnt. The diagrams can also be printed out at the link below.

Scroll down for the book’s contents list, sample chapters and more.

SKU: 978 085244 808 3 Category:


How do you use the Guide?

With every freedom. It is not intended to be a ‘how-to-do-it’ course but is designed to accompany parents and guardians throughout the years when their children are growing into maturity.

Most parents will read a chpater or two out loud with their child, and chat about it as they go. Others may give the book to an older child to read on their own.

What age group does the Guide cater for?

From pre-puberty to mid-teens. Young people in their twenties have also used it to catch up on facts omitted in school sex education. Suggested ages are listed in the Contents, but children vary enormously. Parents are recommended to read the whole book first.

Is the book religious?

No. The Guide starts from the premise that all human life is of equal dignity and worthy of the greatest respect.

Why is the role of parents unique?

Children want to receive their initial education from their parents and families. There is something profoundly moving about learning for the first time how you came to be from the very persons who gave you life.

Many parents find it hard to teach

That is why Sexuality Explained has been written.

The Guide and its use by schools

Schools can do much to encourage parents to take up their role. They can suggest Sexuality Explained to them, have copies which can be borrowed, and run workshops where parents and teachers can exchange ideas. This is a good way also to win parents’ interest in the school curriculum.

The Guide gives teachers and community leaders a lot of discussion material which could be used as the basis for workshops among older children.

Download our flyer.


Principally for girls

1. Josie and the Cakes
General introduction to the female menstrual cycle: designed for pre-puberty.
9-11 years

2. Josie Lends a Helping Hand
Review of the menstrual cycle in more practical detail for a girl approaching puberty.
10-12 years

3. Josie’s Next Lesson
Explanation of the mucus cycle and its purpose.
11-13 years

4. A Privileged Role
Overview of male fertility and the process of conception.
12-14 years

5. It Helps to Know
Dress and teenage relationships; explanation of the chemistry of sexual bonding.
13-15 years


Principally for boys

6. Michael and Dad Go Fishing
General introduction to male fertility.
10-11 years

7. Michael Shows Off his Knowledge
Overview of female fertility and the process of conception.
12-14 years

8. Changed for Life
Sexual bonding, self-mastery and an overview of brain chemistry; an initial response to same-sex attraction.
13-15 years


For both sexes

9. Dad, Is Sex Dangerous?
Explanation of sexually transmitted diseases; the complementarity between the sexes.
13-15 years

10. Forgotten Truths
Overview of contraception
13-16 years

Additional information


978 085244 808 3


Contents list
Sample chapter 1  | Sample Chapter 2
Promotional flyer
Full Page Diagrams