Can you help us?
The UK edition of Alive to the World has come about through many years of voluntary effort accompanied by private donations.
It answers the demand from teachers and parents for a fresh approach to relationships education which builds on the role of parents as first educators and conforms with time-honoured teaching on marriage and family.
To respond to the great need and demand, and increase our manpower and possibilities of reaching children from low-income areas, we need the financial backing to:
- Market our resources more widely.
- Adapt training materials and make available training in our unique pedagogy for UK teachers.
- Make ATTW for ages 13 to 16 available in the UK.
Our latest work includes:
- Promoting character education to key stake holders in the UK.
- Liaising with the Alive to the World teams in Trinidad and Kenya to share resources and ideas for implementation.
The development we carry out in the UK contributes to the Alive to the World programme internationally, supporting the work of the international parent body in favour of children and adolescents everywhere.
English charity number 1184798
See it for the ‘Gold’ it really is.
“I consider Alive to the World to be the 'Missing Link' in our Education System in Trinidad and Tobago. The aspects of development of our children's minds that this program enhances, not only help them to become better students within the classroom - 'How to Learn', but help them to know 'How to Live'. All the virtues as well as critical thinking made available to us through the Alive to the World program serve this purpose very well, and all educators who have experienced both the Training and the Teaching of the program see it for the ‘Gold' it really is.”
Mrs Tonia GoodingSenior Advisor for parents and students at Rosewood Girls, Trinidad